Monday, June 7, 2010

On India's doorstep

This morning we rounded Sri Lanka's southern tip but the monsoonal weather prevented any sighting. When I booked my trip, it was too late to organise an Indian visa (2 week turnaround) so I accepted that I would not be going ashore at Cochin or Mumbai (finest sight in the FE from the stern of a ship). Indians being Indians however have insisted that those of us in this category must be interviewed on board at sea by Indian immigration officials. I wonder should I tell them about the Indian money changer on board who tried to short change me by $A30 when converting Singapore $ and Malaysian Ringgits back to $A. Hang on, it's probably the same guy!

Swell has dropped to around 2 metres and wind has abated to around force 5. We have now altered course to 300 as we turn towards the Indian coast. The swimming pools have reopened and the elephant seals are back in the water.

This morning we had a pod of whales cavorting for our pleasure. These people at Princess cruises will do anything to entertain us.

Last night was the third "formal" evening since leaving Sydney! A true penguins' parade of starched men and metres of tulle on the women. One guy - would you believe a passed over 2 and a half - wears mess undress - WITH MINIATURES! Next day you see them shuffling around in their normal rig.

I know this will come as a shock to many of you, but I am a Labor supporter - the only one on this ship I would venture! I've decided that if Cardinal Pel's representative on earth becomes our next Prime Minister I might take up cruising on a permanent basis!

Anyway that's enough of me talking about myself - what do you think about me!

Karaoke again tonight - in two minds at this stage  - but guess that's the burden of a bipolar person.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying being near Mumbai on a cruise ship sounds like the perfect way to remain healthy on a trip to India. You are obviously enjoying lots of Evelyn Waugh moments while thinking of a Pell driven Abbott. The Opposition Leader is in fact Bob Santamaria reincarnated. I too wouldn’t vote for Mr Rabbit even if the Liberal Party paid for his ears to be folded back in place which they may do given that they paid for John Howard’s teeth. If you have troubles dealing with your Labor leanings I suggest a subscription to The Australian newspaper. After a short course you are able to gravitate to listening to talk back radio and if over 60 even call in to grumble before brain death sets in. I think the vast majority of Australians will seek to become cruise Boat People with you if Mr Rabbit should win the election. Like Billy Snedden even if he loses at least The Australian will say he has won. Keep cruising on.
