Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Nuff Said

Well this is my first visit to Port Said in 50 years. Last time I was headed in the opposite direction as a ten pound pommy migrant. Then, we migrants weren't allowed off the ship (MV FAIRSEA) - only the paying passengers. Having seen the place today, I think we were the lucky ones in 1960. Port Said consists of old buildings falling down and new buildings standing half finished (yet occupied). Guess it depends o n whether you're a glass half full or half empty type of person.

Port Said is an OHS experts greatest challenge. Foot high kerbs, no ramps, no footpaths round building sites - I saw no one in a wheel chair during my hour's walk round the city. It is dirty, dusty, hot, unkempt (even the parks look like weed jungles) and with rubbish strewn everywhere.

Mysterious dilapidated entrances

Organic development

Rooftop dhobeying

Satellite City

energy efficient aircon

At least the dogs eat well

and they built the pyramids?

Most shops have filthy shopfronts (always a sign of civic pride in my view). Tourist products look like the ones on offer in 1960 with the sellers oppressively pushy.

Tonight we sail for Kusadasi in Turkey. More news from there.

1 comment:

  1. Some amazing pics Dad! You've certainly seen some amazing sights in your journey. What a shame you didn't get to Valley of the Kings and the Temple of Luxor. Still that piece of unfinished business is a perfect excuse for further travels!

    What's the latest on the repairs of the ship?

    Take care & enjoy!! ♥ D
