Sunday, June 6, 2010

Following the Tsunami track

We continue to head west with the south west monsoon on our port bow (how's that for memory!). The combined ship and wind speed gives us a frisky 55 knot wind on deck. The wind is still "moderate gale force" and the swell has increased to around 3 metres. The ship doesn't pitch or roll so much thanks to its industrial size stabilisers - but it shudders and feels like it's bending at times. Might take my life jacket and sleep in one of the tenders tonight!

Yesterday we passed to the south of the Nicobar Islands. I think this is where people go when they want to give up smoking. We are now 300 miles to the east of Sri Lanka (famously referred to by ABC commentator Norman May at the Munich Olympics as "West German for Ceylon). At 0600 tomorrow we round the southern tip of Sri Lanka and head up the west coast of India to our next port of call - Cochin.

One interesting observation if I may. Deck 7 is the promenade deck where you can walk unimpaired round the whole ship - 3 circuits equals one mile. The common direction has been anti clockwise. BUT since we crossed the equator - people seem to be walking clockwise. Does this have anything to do with the direction water takes when going down the gurgler in the northern hemisphere? Something to think about?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a NICE holiday. Keep company with the staff, I mostly find them more accommodating. Specially the barmaids.My psychiatrist says that when you get to the stage of contemplating the validity of hemispherically opposing gurgler flows in relation to human reactions you should change labels.BZ for your comments to the rude lady. She was more than likely a Victorian. I like to ask people if they are from victoria when they are being rude to a third party.It seems to redirect their mindset.
    Keep the news up ,it helps me at the end of the week after dealing with trades people while building my daughters house,
