Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cochin - is it Indian for Cocoon?

We arrived in Cochin this morning after a 5 day passage from Langkawi. I guess you can't do a place justice from the wharf - one would hope that the city itself does more for the eye. I cannot step foot in India because time precluded me from getting a visa before we sailed from Sydney. So I will also be on board tomorrow for the Mumbai stop. One thing I can tell you is that the "mystic scent of the orient" has returned in spades!

A few photos of the wharf area for your interest plus some more from on board.

Returning to the Cocoon theme, I fantasised that Cochin is Indian for Cocoon and that all the oldies who have gone ashore will be receiving their rejuvenation top up to last them the rest of the trip. I'll keep an eye on this and report back later.

The weather is gray and muggy. Talking of the weather, at an on board lecture about Islam yesterday when the longstanding bad feelings between the Sunnis and Shiites was discussed - I thought of the Muslim weather forecast. It will be Sunni on Monday and Tuesday - but the rest of the week will be Shiite.

I will update you all again from Mumbai, before we head west to Oman on the Arabian Peninsula.

Oh yes - another bit of news - I was waiting for the Karaoke to start last night (back by popular request) and i put $20 into a poker machine - and dropped the Mega Jackpot of $2650!!

1 comment:

  1. Jackpot of $2650!!
    sounds like you are on the right track!
