Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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Like the butcher who sat on his bacon slicer - I am getting behind with my orders! So I'll do yesterday's entry now, and today's later on.

Yesterday we rounded Cape York and sailed into the Torres Straits. Before we headed west, the water was a creamy light green colour from horizon to horizon. The temperature is high with a high humidity. All the best shady spots on the pool deck go very quickly and even though there is a "no reservation" policy on deck chairs, this seems to be treated with ignore. Down below on the Atrium decks (see photo above) is is cooler but busy.

At sea, the days all roll into one - I already feel like the Ancient Mariner, hair bleached by the sun, body burned to a crisp, face caked with salt - you get the picture! But wait, the good people of the Princess Line are doing their damnedest to keep us entered in  Butlinesque program of daily activities. See example below,

0600 the "wake" show
0900 Bridge at Sea lecture
0900 Complimentary health seminar
0900 Sports at Sea - Ping Pong knock out
1000 Photography at Sea classes
1000 Ceramics at Sea
1015 Morning Trivia
1045 Sports at Sea - Bean Bag Boule
1000 Games at Sea - Chess
1100 Tahitian Pearls event
1155 Line Dance Mania
1130 Scholarship at Sea - Pilotage in the Great barrier reef
Noon Pray the Rosary
Noon Lunchtime Melodies

...and that's only the morning! I'll detail the afternoon offerings in my next contribution.

I've now booked my stopover excursions which I'll tell you about later.

Tomorrow we arrive in Darwin - good time to do the dhobeying I think!

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